Symas is continuously striving to provide our customers with excellent products. This on-going pursuit leads us to offer the newest Production release of Symas OpenLDAP. For the first time, Symas OpenLDAP 2.4.44-5 is available for Debian 8 and Ubuntu 16. This release incorporates new logging capabilities and other features outlined in the Release Notes: symas-openldap-relnotes-2-4-44-5
2.4.44-5 Gold/Silver is available for these Operating Systems
RedHat and CentOS 5, 6 & 7 (32 and 64-bit)
Debian 7 & 8 (64-bit)
Ubuntu 12, 14 & 16 (64-bit)
Windows (32 and 64-bit)
Due to on-going construction of the Symas OpenLDAP Product Download site, existing customers may open a ticket requesting a download link for their requisite Operating System and architecture. Our Silver version is available to anyone wanting to try our product. To obtain a download link, please email
The following operational issues were encountered during testing of this release:
RedHat/CentOS 5 (Gold/Silver) - Heimdal issues prevent Kerberos realm connectivity.
All Linux OS (Gold) - KDC process will not stop when the krbserver service is stopped.
To stop the service, search for the KDC (detached) service and kill the process ID manually.
Windows (Gold/Silver) - OpenLDAP-slapd service loaded as Manual start.
In Services.msc, set OpenLDAP-slapd to run Automatically for service restoration/continuity following a crash/reboot.
Our developers are aware of these issues and are working to implement fixes that will appear in coming releases.