David Goodman’s keynote, LDAP 2020 Paradise Lost or Regained?, provides a retrospective for us to contemplate. In it, he describes LDAP’s roots (X.500), where it’s been (U of Mich, Netscape, Sun, Symas, Microsoft, ForgeRock, etc.), and offered insights of what needs to change.
Bottom line, it’s healthy to continually ask the question – Is LDAP dead? For the answer, we’ll only slightly alter Mark Twain’s famous quotation:
Reports of LDAP’s death have been greatly exaggerated.
Why is that? For starters, because of conferences like LDAPCon. More than its in-depth technical analysis and tutorials, is what happens in the spaces between the talks.
These spaces nurture the protocol by allowing free discussions on the flaws, and room to create plans for corresponding fixes/enhancements.
Just what are these fixes and enhancements? Have a look at the program and slides. Subscribe to the LDAPExt mailing list, share in best practices, and above all, keep attending LDAPCon!
See you at LDAPCon 2017!!